Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Mother's Tears

Last year, on Mother’s Day I was pregnant with our fifth child. He went to heaven when I was in my 17th week. I was alone in a foreign land with just my husband as we caught this precious child and held him in our arms. He was beautiful, perfectly formed, but lifeless. I lost too much blood and had to go to the hospital. If anyone has ever been to a third-world hospital they will understand the anguish I felt in the filthy environment. We buried our darling little son on the piece of land that we were to buy the following day. On the morrow, we were informed that the owner had changed his mind and had decided not to sell the land to us. Two dreams were shattered in less than 24 hours.

My story is not unique. So many mothers have lost their little loved ones. I am comforted with the thought that He has my tears collected in a bottle. Not one has fallen unnoticed. I am comforted to know that pain is short, but joy is eternal. I am comforted that one day I will be with the dear children of mine that are now part of that great cloud of witnesses cheering me on. I am comforted because I believe that this life is just a vapor, and there is so much more that lies ahead. I am comforted that I have a beautiful family around me this Mother’s Day who love me. (Heb. 11,12)

1 comment:

  1. previous commentors3.1.07

    May 15, 2006 - Here are Some Tears For Your Bottle...

    Posted by JacqueDixonSoulRestES

    I know my tears will not be counted for you, but you have them, all the same. I am so sorry for your loss, and the pain of the land dealings.
    I hope you had a peaceful, refreshing Mom's Day.

    Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog.
    I have enjoyed seeing the happiness as my girls have gotten to know yours.
    We are blessed to know your family - from afar - and a distance!

    After looking at your blog, I cannot believe I didn't already have you in my Friend's, b/c I have seen your blog several times. I will enjoy reading it often.
    ( ;
    Many Blessings and Teachable Moments

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    May 15, 2006 - Untitled Comment

    Posted by AussieinAmerica

    I am so sorry you and your family have had to endure these things. You are such a strong and brave person. I am grateful to be getting to know you and glad you have such a sweet family that loves you so much. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

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    May 16, 2006 - Untitled Comment

    Posted by lindafay

    Thank you.

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    May 31, 2006 - The Anchor Holds

    Posted by joywalker

    Thank you for sharing your heart on the passing of your little baby last year into the arms of God. In my own life it has seemed that it is the repeated waves of anguish, that really can toss my heart around. I was blessed by reading of your faith through this time of trial. May the Lord continue to comfort you and your family as he holds your youngest child in Heaven.
