
Monday, May 25, 2009

Ask and It Will Be Given to You

PhotobucketI've been using Charlotte Mason's methods for twelve years now. I've enjoyed every step of the way. My children love knowledge for the joy it brings them. I had no idea it could be this easy, that it would be this rewarding and produce children so enjoyable to be with, who feel at home with the aged, the learned, as well as the young and the ignorant. In some areas of knowledge they have dug deep and found rich veins of gold, in other areas they have just found a pearl or two. But the treasure is varied and lies in many rooms.

Music, art, animals, nature, politics, literature, poetry, equations, Rome, Iceland, Ireland, the moors, the sea, metropolises, machinery,the universe, the past, the poor, royalty, Heaven and name it, they have dipped their hands in the chest and pulled out something of value as they have explored truth and beauty in the world around them.

Miss Mason said this would happen. Frankly, I wasn't sure. How could I produce children better than myself? My education was mediocre at best. Some of those books sure looked difficult, but I didn't need to worry. My children love to learn and are developing magnanimous spirits slowly but surely. I asked for grace from Heaven and it was freely given through the wisdom of Miss Mason. If I can do this, anyone can do it. I honestly believe that. God is far more interested in our children's well being, character and influence on this earth than we are, even though we love them so... If we ask for bread He will not give us a stone.

one step at a time...


  1. Sweet post for us all. Thanks so much.

  2. Well said. Our storehouses will be overflowing as mothers as well.

  3. My family finishes this school year tomorrow, and I am looking forward to a bit of a laid-back schedule through the summer, but this post *inspires* me. Thank you!

  4. Miss Mason said this would happen, and it hasn't for my two children. They both hate learning and hate school. They've only used Ambleside Online. It isn't a guarantee.

  5. Kim,
    I am sad that you are having a difficult time teaching your children. Using a particular booklist is no guarantee that your children will enjoy learning. There are many factors that must be present in order for our children to have a positive educational experience- the mother's attitude being the most important. I suggest you begin with yourself and ask some serious questions. Maybe you need to educate yourself more fully about Miss Mason's ideas. Or perhaps you are just having a bad week. I looked at your blog. I can see that you are a devoted mother who takes raising your children seriouly. This is beautiful. It looks like you are doing a good job. Could there are some outside influences that are affecting your family. Have you read this passage from a previous post:

    "Limit entertainment. Today's society allows for a typical family to visit the zoo on Monday, paintball on Tuesday, baseball on Wednesday, swimming on Thursday, Coop party on Friday, Six Flags on Saturday, youth group on Sunday and it all starts over with new entertainment the following week. I am not saying these things are bad in and of themselves- but as interesting as it may be, reading Shakespeare just doesn't compare to the EXCITEMENT of all the other events going on in a child's life these days. We need to eliminate some of the entertainment or our child's mind will never learn to care about knowledge, even if it comes in the otherwise, attractive form of living books. I have been particularly careful to follow my own advice in this area. Due to the limited entertainment in our family's life, our children thrill at the simplest things- an ice cream cone, the annual trip to the zoo, going to a play, going to the store with dad, reading a book while in a favorite tree. This may be a homeschooling mother's greatest challenge."

    I say this lovingly and with prayers for your particular situation.

