
Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Friends We Play With...

Ten month old twins live next door. The women carry them on their backs throughout the day to keep them happy. They have a neat way of wrapping a long strip of sheet around them.

These are some of the Turkish children playing with my own two waifs.

This adorable little two year old was rocked to sleep in this makeshift cradle. We call it a beshik. They don't generally give their children a gentle rock, but rather a fast and rough swing. The babes are used to it and actually prefer it over the western method.

Grandma is playing with the children here in a little tent.

We happen to have a very small yard. I'm am so thankful for this. For years we lived in high rise apartments with only a small balcony.


  1. Great photos, it is fun to see mothers and children living daily life in other cultures! Thanks for the peek! It looks toasty there, hope your staying cool!

  2. What a neat look into life in another culture!

  3. A wonderful glimpse of your life!
    Love the pics!

  4. "They don't give their children a gentle rock, but rather a fast and rough swing."
    My daughter gasped at this...
    she adores babies!

  5. Hi, Linda! Stopping in to say hello!

    I have a friend who sells baby wraps (slings), so I'm always interested in what other women use to carry their babies. I love the idea that the woman in the picture is using a piece of a sheet. An 'upscale' baby wrap over here in the states can cost close to $100.00.

    I like my friend dearly but could never afford to spend that kind of money. (She very much understands this.) I went to WalMart and bought 12 yards of a colorful and slightly stretchy seersucker fabric on clearance at .99/yd. and she taught me to tie it all kinds of ways to carry my children.

    When my babies grew too big, I cut the wrap into simple robes for my Sunday school children to wear for Bible stories.

    Thank you for sharing the photos!

  6. Awww... what sweet pictures...

    Thanks for sharing!

    Hope you are doing well, Mrs.

    love you,

  7. Thanks for the "cyber" tour outside our world. I find this so interesting!
    I also wanted to thank you for your response to my comment on finding those notebooks under organization. It helped greatly.

  8. I have been feeling rebelious about using the Bauer History books, because everybody is using them and I am suspicious of the newness of the books. I have read some critiques of the accuracy in some of the books and I don't like how the language is often at a lower level than what I would like to read to my children.

    I learned a lot from your site and I have searched your site for information on what you think of the Bauer version of history. But all I found is that you used the fourth book in conjunction with Hillyer's Child's STory of the World and also other books as well.

    What do you think of the Bauer books? Have you met people who do know a lot about history and found her portrayal of history to be reliable? What do you think of the spoon fed style? Or am I being "no fun" and should enjoy the accessible style that a 4 year old can easily understand?

    Thank you again for helping me with your blog.


  9. Maria,
    I will address your question under my History Scope and Sequence entry so that others interested may find it there.

  10. Great pictures. Love the look into another culture. We just sent off our missionary family this morning. They are on their way to Laos. Seven kids, all blonde. They don't stick out a bit! ;)

  11. Thank you for the great photos... what a wonderful peak into other folks and cultures differing a little from my own...

    I enjoy your blog very much...

