Thursday, May 31, 2007

Year 3 Exams- Term 2

Year 3 Term 2 Examinations

(for my 9 year old dd)

One Year Bible
Tell two stories that are new to you from your Bible readings this term.

Story of Inventions
Tell me about Elias Howe and the Invention of the Sewing Machine OR
Draw in detail an invention that you read about this term. Label its parts and write the Inventor's name beside it.

Parables from Nature
Tell two of the stories below and also what they mean.
The Law of the Wood (Spruce Firs)
Daily Bread (Robin)
Not Lost but Gone Before (Dragonfly)

Considering God's Creation
Draw the constellations you can remember and label them.
Draw the solar system and label it.

Turn in your nature journal. Name and describe at least three new wildflowers you have identified this spring.

Child’s History of the World
Why did the American Revolution happen? How was it different from the French Revolution?

Tell what you know about Simon Bolivar of Latin (South) America.

This Country of Ours
Tell about the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac.

Choose three presidents from the list below and tell briefly about one event that happened during each of their presidencies.
Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor

Minn on the Mississippi
What have you learned about snapping turtles? Tell where the Mississippi River begins and ends. What states does it pass through or border?

"Wanted Dead or Alive" The True Story of Harriet Tubman
Tell about the life of Harriet Tubman.

Carry On, Mr Bowditch
Who was Nathaniel Bowditch and why was he a hero?

Tales from Shakespeare
Tell the story of Macbeth, King Lear or All's Well that Ends Well.

The Heroes
Who were the Argonauts? Write about one of their adventures.

Draw a scene from Justin Morgan had a Horse
OR Water Babies.

A Little Princess
Why do you think Sara Crewe was a princess?

Recite a poem, your Turkish scripture passages, a Psalm and your other Bible passage.

Sing a song in Turkish.
Describe in Turkish the picture I will show you.

Play a song that you learned this term on the keyboard twice.

Turn in your notebook.
Take a timed multiplication test Mom will give you.

What can you tell about Giuseppe Verdi?
Name one of his compositions and describe how it makes you feel.

Describe two works in detail from Giotto and tell me when he lived.

Sing 2 folk songs and 2 hymns you learned this term.

one step at a time...


  1. I just want to thank you very much for sharing your wonderful insights and ideas with the Charlotte Mason homeschool community.
    I just discovered your blog and have found so much helpful advice here. It's truly a treasure!
    Your blank daily planning page will be well-used in our home next fall. I think you've saved me a hour or two of work in designing such a perfect form.
    Many thanks and hugs to you!
    XOXO Ann

  2. I just wanted to let you know you have been given the Blogger Reflection Award. Here is the link,, for the post.

    Thank you - for being a blogger in whom I can reflect on - you have been a true blessing! I am honored to give it you!


  3. Dear Linda,
    Wow! Your 9 year old knows a lot more than I do! I guess I'll learn all that when my daughter gets to 3rd grade!! Oh dear...

    Hope you are well.

  4. I was just thinking that I probably did know most of this stuff but I would have to have a refresher before I could attest to that!

  5. Thank you for the riches! I will be starting with my soon to be 9yrdd next year and have a question about the reading. In your reading blog section you quote Miss Mason as saying that adults reading aloud to children should be a treat. Are the scheduled literature books to be read orally by the child, slowly, and then all of the suggested Tales read silently? Then are the history and other lesson books to be read orally by the parent to the child, with the child supplying narrations? Oral narrating after every reading and every lesson, and written narrations once per week at this age? Thank you for your clarification and wisdom. Jamie

  6. Lindafay,
    Are you on vacation? I hope you are having a nice break. I came wondering if I had missed some emails since it usually isn't so long between posts.

  7. I recently discovered that I prefer Charlotte Mason's philosophies over other views of homeschooling. Your blog has been a great source of ideas and inspiration. I was tagged for a meme and I chose you as one of my eight to be tagged as well.

  8. I know you have already received this, but I awarded you anyway!


  9. Ann, you are most welcome. Thank you for taking the time to let me know it helps a little.

    Jocelyn and Jacque, thank you!xoxo. I'm hopping over to your blogs now.

    Stacy and Traci, I can't believe how ignorant I was when I began teaching my children-even after teaching in the public school system! Homeschooling makes you smarter, no doubt about that.

    Gratefulgraft, I've answered these questions somewhere on my blog before but don't have the time to find them right now. Very briefly,if you are following CM's advice:

    A child who is USED to rich literature and reads well, should begin reading MOST of her own schoolbooks, scheduled literature and free reading by fourth year *that is approx. nine years of age. A few of the more difficult schoolbooks could be read aloud by the parent.

    This is what I did:
    In year four I began reading aloud a few books such as Bulfinch and Madame How..., but after three or four weeks, I was able to hand it over to my children.

    These are generalizations. Each child is unique. If a child is truly struggling, a mom may need to read the entire book. Wisdom is necessary in applying these suggestions.

    My nine year old narrates from all schoolbooks on a daily basis and most of the scheduled literature but does not narrate unless she wishes from her free reading.

    In the evenings, my husband or myself usually reads a book aloud from the free reading list as a treat.

    hth :)
