Monday, March 26, 2007

Blogs that Make Me Think

Many thanks to Jessica at Trivium Academy for passing the Thinking Blogger Award on to Higher Up and Further In. Below are five blogs that I would like to award for making me think:

Grantian Florilegium-I always learn something from this man. I appreciate his knowledge of history and the ideas behind the events.

Vox Vendsel-The quotes from C.S. Lewis are my favorite.

Seasonal Soundings-I love the variety, deep thoughts and beauty on this blog.

The Moral Premise-This is a new one. Thoughtful commentary about current movies and the moral premise behind them

Homeliving Helper-Biblical advice and encouragement for stay at home moms given with grace and truth. These women truly 'think' before they post.

...and don't forget about the


  1. Hello, and thank you for this gracious honor! I appreicate your stopping by our blog for "C.S. Lewis Sundays." Many thanks & blessings.

  2. What an unexpected privilege and honor! Thank you for your kind comments about Seasonal Soundings.

    And, Lindafay, I did not know until right now that you are the author of Earth is Crammed with Heaven. What a beautiful blog! I hope it comes back soon!

    Thank you again!

  3. Renee26.3.07

    You definitely deserve it!! I learn something everytime I visit! Thanks for the time you put in;)


  4. This doesn't surprise me at all! I look forward to your posts, especially when you post about CM. You really help me think about educating the kids on a higher level. Congratulations!

  5. Anonymous26.3.07

    Congratulations! May God bless you for the gift you give to many of us.
    Laura in Greensboro

  6. oh! Had you already been awarded the thinking blog award by someone else (jessica) before i gave it to you???? Let me know, as I'd open the spot to another blog if so... there's so much thinking going on. LOL I'd like to share it evenly. *grin*
