Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mom-Dependent Homeschools

"The homeschooling survivor is the mom who knows that if all the plans and dreams for her school depend on her direct input something is gonna give."

Cindy has a great post up about mom-dependent homeschools.

one step at a time...


  1. Stacy (Aussie in America)11.1.07

    Hi Linda,
    That was a good article. I will have to work on that!
    Hope you are having a good week.

  2. lindafay,

    Once again, you made me think. My first reacation is "What, they shouldn't depend on me?" After reading the article I can see how this is exactly the formula that has worked over time for our family.

    Good habits on my part in preparing ahead of time so that the children can work on their good study habits have made our homeschooling comfortable and consistent. They learn to work on their own even when life happens and we can count on the routine of school to keep us on track. My job is to set the stage for their independence, gather the materials and do the groundwork.

    We have flexibility in our schedule but that is within a perceived framework of what needs to get done for the week and year and I have that laid out beforehand.

    I still have times that I sit with the boys but those are fewer and farther between as they hit middle school. Algebra is not intirely self-taught in our house. They need some guidance and reassuance as they try new concepts. There are many times in a day that they call to me to share what they are reading about and I try to be available for that time....teachable moments that I can draw out maybe a few more ideas that they are stabbing at in their own way.

    Thanks for the link to the article.

    Harmony Art Mom

  3. Barb, Exactly my thoughts.

    Have a great day.

    Stacy, I'm on my way over.
