Friday, February 10, 2006

Why Should Children Memorize Scripture?

My seven-year old daughter and I are reading Pilgrim’s Progress together this year. Yesterday, we came to the part when Christian fought Apollyon. My three-year old son listened in attentively because the duel had swords in it and that particular word, ‘sword’ is the love of his life right now. He couldn't help himself and picked up his sword (which is attached to his belt at all hours of the day) and began fighting the imaginary monster with a passion.

A moment of inspiration came to me and I quickly grabbed my pretend darts and shouted out a lie to them, “God doesn’t love you!”

Dear Daughter grabbed a nearby toy sword and responded with a sounding blow upon my head while shouting aloud, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life!”

I, Apollyon, threw another dart, “Your brother is being mean so you should not share your toys with him.”

She paused for only a moment, “A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs it up!” --while raising her shield.

I was thrilled that she caught on to the game so quickly. Dart after dart I threw, and she would respond with verses that she had memorized. My dear little son parroted her words and used his sword upon the wicked fiend as well. Finally, ‘Apollyon’ gave up, wounded and flew away.

Sometimes we need to be reminded why we are teaching our children to memorize the Word of God. Sometimes our children need to be reminded as well.


  1. Anonymous23.12.06

    Love this!! ::

    Posted by Jedi4sweet

    What a great post & reminder! So glad I found your blog via the random button. You blog is absolutely beautiful!! = )

    • Permanent Link

    February 11, 2006 - THANKS!

    Posted by lindafay

    ...for taking the time to look and comment. I popped in at your website as well. It is soooo cheerful!


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    June 23, 2006 - oh my goodness

    Posted by jeanne

    this is so sweet and amazing and wonderful! your post made me tear up. thank you for sharing this. wow. so powerful.

  2. Love that game! I'm going to try it with my girls.

    I'm enjoying your blog very much. I have been trying to education my children in the CM style for 7 years, but slip into the conventional mindset here and there...ugh...I'm reminded and refreshed.

  3. Grafted Branch, I do hope you are inspired. Thanks for taking the time to chat. I tried to comment on your blog but was unable to do so. I'll be back for another visit.
