Monday, February 27, 2006

Friday's Group Schedule

Our school schedule is six weeks on and one week off. This gives us about a six to seven week break in the summer and takes the stress off of me during the year. I know that I have a one-week break every six weeks to work on the projects that I have been wanting to do. The kids love this set-up as well. We take a two-week break during Christmas and take off a few days for the other holidays as well. On birthdays or just plain hard days, we only read our books, and all of the other subjects, narrations included, go out the window. We have lessons from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, everyone looks forward to 'group time' . Basically, this is what we do:

8:30 The children make corrections in their work (from the entire week) and have conferences with mom. I make sure they have completed everything on their personal schedules.

9:30 We all review recitations from previous terms together.

10am Music study (we alternate each week with our folksong, hymn and composer study.)

10:30 Plutarch or Shakespeare study with the older children. Younger ones play

11am Nature Study

11:30 Nature walk OR Handicraft depending on the weather and time of year

12am Artist Study

4pm Tea time- we all take turns reading aloud to each other and practicing elocution. This is a favorite with the children. Each child takes turn hosting it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous23.12.06

    Your blog is great!!

    Posted by joywalker

    I visited your blog right after it was first mentioned on ...I think it was AmbleRamble... and have been a frequent visitor ever since that time.
    I really like the way you lay out the way your family uses AO. The clear, practical enteries are so easy to follow. I have recommended your site to several other moms who are just beginning to look into AO/CM.
    Thanks for sharing!!

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    March 1, 2006 - response to joywalker

    Posted by lindafay

    I am so glad others are being served by this blog. Thanks for your feedback and encouraging words. I'm not always sure if my explanations are clear enough for my readers. I welcome any feedback!


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    May 30, 2006 - Untitled Comment

    Posted by Anonymous

    Love you site! It is a beautiful inspiration.

    Is the above a daily or weekly schedule?

    Thank you!

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    May 30, 2006 - Untitled Comment

    Posted by lindafay

    Hi Laura,

    This is what we do on Fridays only.
